JM Robert, France
As a growing artist, JM Robert is part of the top 10 artists to absolutely follow on and one of his paintings was projected on the Arc de Triomphe (Paris) during the celebration of the 2016 new year. The damaged walls of buildings fascinate JM Robert. He always feels the thrill in front of deteriorated and degraded walls, this is his source of inspiration. On one hand, he tries to develop his own aesthetic design of ruins, on the other hand, his paintings want to speak a contemporary language that reflects the history and story of our cities.

You Rise, 2020
“Pas de nature inquiète”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 89 cm- 2020
“Urban face collection 3”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 89 cm- 2020
“Urban face collection 2”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“Par dessus tout”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“S'en remettre à soi”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“L’unique désir”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“Ça lui est éga”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“De folles pensées”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“La reine d'un jour”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
“Urban face collection 1”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 89 x 116 cm- 2020
Femininity, 2016-2018
“The passage of time”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 142 x 105 cm- 2018
“She looks away”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 142 x 96 cm- 2018
“The women with the earring”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 142 x 105 cm- 2018
“Incandescense”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 81 x 116 cm- 2016
“Encore un instant”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 73 x 116 cm- 2016
“Dévoilement”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 81 x 116 cm- 2016
“Tout lui semblait possible”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 66 x 100 cm- 2016
"Sans artifices”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 81 cm- 2016
Urban Asian , 2015
“Elle attendait ce moment ” / “Waiting for that moment”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 81 x 60 cm- 2015
“Elle l’a reconnu immediatement” / “She recognized him immediately”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 120 x 80 cm- 2015
“Elle se souvient de son enface” / “She remembers her childhood”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 81 cm- 2015
“Que regarde t’elle?” / “What is she looking?- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 81 cm- 2015
“Elle aimerait revenir” / “She wants to come back”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 81 x 60 cm- 2015
“Elle a ressenti le bonheur” / “She felt happiness”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 116 x 81 cm- 2015
“En attendant son detour” / “Waiting him to come back”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 120 x 80 cm 2015
“Regarder les choses en face”- Acrylic & Spray- 70 x 100 cm- 2013
“Que feront t'elles?” / “What will they do?”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- Two-piece: 116 x 162 cm- 2015
“Elle se remémore ce moment” / “She remembers that moment”- Spray, Ink, Acrylic- 81 x 116 cm- 2015
“Et si c'etait comme ca”- Acrylic & Spray- 54 x 64,5 cm- 2013
“Tout reste a dire”- Acrylic & Spray- 70 x 100 cm- 2013
“Ce que vous en pensez”- Acrylic & Spray- 54 x 64,5 cm- 2013
“N'en croyez rien”- Acrylic & Spray- 89 x 116 cm- 2013
“Jamais indifferente”- Acrylic & Spray- 89 x 116 cm- 2013
“Fille 1 – 4”- Acrylic & Spray- 23 x 23 cm framed- 2013
“Fille 1 – 4”- Acrylic & Spray- 23 x 23 cm framed- 2013
“Fille 1 – 4”- Acrylic & Spray- 23 x 23 cm framed- 2013
“Fille 1 – 4”- Acrylic & Spray- 23 x 23 cm framed- 2013
“Chair 1”- Mixed media- 2013
“Chair 1”- Mixed media- 2013
“Chair 1”- Mixed media- 2013
“Chair 2”- Mixed media- 2013
“Chair 2”- Mixed media- 2013
“Chair 2”- Mixed media- 2013
“High Heels”-
Mixed media-
“High Heels”-
Mixed media-